about us

We are working to make your purchases easy

Shopollo Ltd is a company set up in 2020. From the beginning our mission was to offer wide variety of products backed up by excellent customer service. We searched for best products’ suppliers across the UK to include them in our offer. The products are shipped from various warehouses. We implemented many safety mechanisms in order to increase the users’ security while shopping with us.
Our payment system supports the most commonly used methods of payment. All you have to do is just select the type of card you want to pay with.
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Maestro
  • American Express

Safety shopping is guaranteed by PolicyBee insurance for Shopollo LTD

We take your shopping safety very seriously at Shopollo. We wanted to offer you a wide variety of products but keep it all simple and safe at the same time. The insurance offers peace of mind and means we can focus on sourcing the best products and on providing best customer service.
Insured through PolicyBee

Shopollo is a regestered trademark in UK

We have registered our brand name „shopollo” in the Trade Marks Registry. It shows the unique value of the company and provides credibility to our customers.